Awareness Through Voice
Becoming aware of our true nature is our highest goal.
Since ancient times sound and voice have been used for this purpose.
At present this knowledge is introduced anew.
The voice is usually regarded as a tool for self expression.
A good question would be ,what do we mean by 'self'? There are varied dimensions
to the idea of self. From the personal self, to the universal self.
Study of the personal self will lead us to the knowledge of our personality. Study of the universal self may lead us to knowledge of the universe.
The voice is primarily made up of two elements, breath and sound.
Breath is universal, it is the very life. Sound is unique, and so, particular.
The voice is a way for life to express itself in a unique way.
It is one thing to hear our voice as a personal expression, it is quite another to hear our voice as the voice of the self.
When we become aware of this then any sound we utter will express the potency and power of it's own source. By that I mean that if we allow this awareness to unfold then life will use our voice to flow freely through us.
That is it's nature, that is our nature.
A free flow, a free being.
The Voice Being program has been developed during the past 25 years.
Shai's profound study of philosophy, meditation, music, voice and sound is the fundamental basis and background that permeates this work.
It is through his own direct experience, understanding and ongoing study that he offers to you the great love and knowledge of the power of sound and voice.
Shai Dayan
Shai is a multi instrumental improvisation artist.
Composes music for dance projects and films.
A certified meditation teacher by the "International Meditation Institute" in India where he studied philosophy and meditation for 5 years.
In the last 30 years explores sound and silence as means of exploring life.
Teaching improvisation and self inquiry
workshops in Israel and Europe, using music, voice and
movement as instruments for becoming aware of our
true nature.
Participated in rock, jazz, world music and street
theater ensembles in New York, Australia, Austria,
Germany, Spain, India, Norway, Hungary and Israel.
Composed, played and performed in dance
productions of Israeli choreographers such as
Nimrod Frid, Shahar Dor, Ilanit Tadmor and Orly Portal.
Participated in ‘Improbiza Ensemble’, which created
improvisational live performances in dance, music and
theater. Composed, played and performed in projects
shown in the Israeli International Festival in Jerusalem,
Acco Festival, Tel-Aviv Guitar Festival,
World Music Festival in Budapest, ‘Quatre’ Barcelona Festival,
‘Osterimprofestival’ of Music And Dance improvisation, Germany.
the Peace Accords Signing Ceremony in Oslo, Norway.
Composed music for original television series, ‘Eretz-Ir’ (country'city),
by Amit Shalev. Composed music for short films, including a film by
Alon Benari who won ‘best film’ Volgin Prize at the International
Film Festival in Jerusalem.
Composed music for National Geographic video clips.
Created the research program 'Voice Being' with which he teaches around the world.