I Am That
30 years ago i adopted the 'Nonduality' (Advaita) way of life.
Walking on this path i have met teachers that showed me a way,
some of them i actually met including one whom which i left everything and went to sit with for some years, and some whom which i have met through their writings.
One of my main guides was directing me through his book which for some time was like a Bible to me, 'I Am That' by Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj.
In his very direct and sharp words helped me expend my understanding of my experiences and in doing so, make them part of my everyday life.
I'm grateful for this man and his words.
I would like to open a study group that will work with this book, finding topics that we can relate to reflected from his conversations, talk about it, meditate on it together.
If you are interested, please let me know.
Here is the Book in PDF format for you to have a look, it is possible to download it and if you really like it, please buy it.

We will start with 4 meetings, once every Wednesday and see if we would like to continue.
The meeting will be between 1 to 1.5 hours.
On Wednesday at 5pm Lisbon time.
From the 11th of January to the 01st of Feburery.
The price for participation is 50 Euros.
You can register by paying via
Revolut - LT22 3250 0672 2335 7355
Paypal - shaidayan7@gmail.com
Bank Transfer - Name: Asher Shai Dayan
Bank: Millennium bcp
Iban: PT50-0033 0000 4553200981205
We can use cards but they charge a lot of money from all sides.
Once you have registered please send me a message with your name here.
Thanks and warm hugs